A visual representation of the 2024 documentary film selection, highlighting various impactful and thought-provoking films.


We are thrilled to announce that WMM releases BYE BYE TIBERIAS (dir. Lina Soualem) and MY STOLEN PLANET (dir. Farahnaz Sharafi) and Production Assistance Program film DAHOMEY (dir. Mati Diop) have all been shortlisted as part of the European Film Awards Documentary Film Selection 2024. This places these three films among an exclusive group of 12 feature documentaries in the running for Best Documentary.

BYE BYE TIBERIAS delves into the deeply personal and universal themes of family, memory, and heritage, as Soualem beautifully intertwines archival footage and intimate conversations to tell a complex and poignant story about four generations of Palestinian women in her family, and their shared legacy of separation. MY STOLEN PLANET uses a diary-style narrative to trace how the Islamic Revolution altered life for women in Iran, blending personal archives and 8mm recordings that reveal moments of private joy and public defiance. And DAHOMEY documents the return of 26 royal treasures to Benin after being looted by French colonial troops in 1892, capturing the debates on heritage and identity among students at the University of Abomey-Calavi. 

The shortlist is a significant achievement, positioning all three films alongside some of the most compelling documentaries of the year. The European Film Academy, comprised of 5,000 members, will vote to determine the five nominees, which will be announced on November 5, 2024. We congratulate our filmmakers on this well-deserved recognition and look forward to the next steps in this exciting journey.

Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the announcement of the final nominees! For more information, read the full shortlist details here.

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