"Takes the blinders from our eyes. Not only entertains, it changes us."
"Superb. An important contribution to current discussions of feminism, sexuality and media culture."
"Funny and outrageous, produced with humor, insight and irony."
"Presents a comic yet insightful portrait of the sexism that still permeates American popular culture."
- Berlin Film Festival
- American Film Festival, Red Ribbon
- US Film Festival
Lucy Winer, director, writer and producer, has focused on issues of social concern throughout her career. Her credits include the critically-acclaimed feature about sexism in America, RATE IT X; the first of its kind, Emmy nominated documentary about lesbian and gay seniors, SILENT PIONEERS; and the ground-breaking, four-part public television series, POSITIVE: LIFE WITH HIV. Recently she directed the PSA campaign for the UN Refugee Agency's Aid Darfur campaign, featuring Meryl Streep and Tony Bennett as celebrity spokespeople. Winer's work has been called “warm, witty and genuinely touching” by the L.A. Times; “immensely affecting” by the Village Voice; “hilarious” by the Hollywood Reporter; “intriguing, often hair-raising” by the New York Times; “produced with humor, insight and irony” by Variety. With Karen Eaton, Winer produced the award winning, ITVS documentary, GOLDEN THREADS, about ninety-three-year-old lesbian activist and organizer, Christine Burton, which aired on POV. She is currently in post production on KINGS PARK, a documentary feature which takes an inside look at public mental health care in America through the story of a single abandoned institution, Kings Park State Hospital. (3/10)