Award-winning and feminist filmmaker Jane Campion will be honored with the prestigious Prix Lumière Award this October at the Lumière Film Festival in Lyon, France. Previous recipients of the award include Jane Fonda and Catherine Deneuve. In their announcement, the festival remarked, “In just seven feature films in 20 years, Jane Campion has created a unique filmography and cinema that are at once personal and universal.”
A true pioneer, Campion is the second of seven women ever nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director and the first female filmmaker to receive the Palme d’Or, both of which she received for the acclaimed film THE PIANO (1993); she also won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the same film.
“In numerous ways, Jane Campion has expanded the boundaries of filmmaking – from pushing artistic boundaries to challenging the content we see to changing who can be in the director’s seat. We are so proud to distribute her early work through Women Make Movies, and we send her the warmest of congratulations on this esteemed award,” said Executive Director Debra Zimmerman.
Women Make Movies distributes four of Campion’s films (PEEL, A GIRL’S OWN STORY, PASSIONLESS MOMENTS, and AFTER HOURS) in THE FILMS OF JANE CAMPION, which are available to watch on Criterion and to stream for educational use on Docuseek.
A recent spotlight from the Alliance for Women Film Journalists shares Campion, “has furthered the cause of women in film by holding steady to her own aesthetic, making unique career choices, and delivering dazzling visual poetry with her distinctive directorial style.”
Congratulations to Jane Campion and thank you for continuing to inspire female filmmakers and audiences around the world! THE FILMS OF JANE CAMPION are available for purchase and to book for screenings.